went out for an hour after class to kill sometime and relax after a brutal test in physics i need to get away. i was fishing the first beach for about a half hour and didnt get a bump. so i left and went to another beach that was on the wind blow shore but the wind wasnt to bad so i decided to give it a shot first cast i felt a tap tap and set the hook but i ripped it out of its mouth and lost my worm in the process! but i put another one on and through it back out three casts later i felt another tap tap.. so this time i dropped my rod tip and when i set the hook again this time i felt the connection and it was fish on!! i brought the fish in, it was a small bass that weighed about a pound. i quickly let the fish go an put it back right in the same spot and sure enough another bump but did not hook up this went on for another 3 or 4 casts and then on the 5 time i set the hook an then the line goes limp..... just lost my whole rig =/ so im just about to call it a day but decided to tie up another drop shot. this time i left a longer leader and next cast i feel something kill my robo worm i set the hook and the fish takes off straight up and goes air born!! SMALL MOUTH!!! i could tell that body shape and that aggression from anywhere so i took my time bringing her. the fish had awesome markings!! I finally got smallie after a 2 week grind!! snapped u couple pics and sent her on her way!!
Posted 25 years ago
snuck out of college to kill a few hours between classes to do some fishing in a pond down the road. i started out throwing a jig and a jerkbait with no luck their i switched it up to a drop shot and 10 minutes later i felt the "tap tap" and set the hook a little to soon and pulled the hook out of its mouth a little mad out myself for not waiting that extra second. i put it right back in the same area i had that first bite. i jerked the rod tip twice and let the worm sink back down slowly then lifted it back up and felt the dead weight i set the hook and the first thing i thought was i just pulled it through weed and then i felt a slight tug back and bam had a fish on. at first the fish didn't fight much till i got him closer then he tried to jump but barley breached the surface i finally got him in and wasn't the biggest fish only weighed about a pound an a half but still good for me!! the fish was real real cold took a quick picture and sent him on his way back the the depths. after putting a new worm on i made another cast in that same area and sure enough on the third pause i lifted up and another lifeless dead weight i set the hook and then after a few turns of the handle the fish came a live. it fought harder that the last one i was thinking this was bigger than the first but so i took my time bring him in turned out it was smaller this one weighting about a pound. i was fishing in about 20 ft of water were there is a little ledge i think there was a small school holding on it waiting for what ever crossed their path and just sucking it down. it was a good little get away from school!!
Posted 25 years ago
went out fishing with my buddy the other day to do a little open water bass fishing in a smaller pond that is mostly open but has ice on the easier side to fish so be had to hike all the way to the other side of the pond to get to the nice open water. we cheated a little bit and were using some pond shiners or aka golden shiners between 3 and 5 inches long pain in the butt to cast with a bobber but work very well when you can get them out there!! we ended up getting a sold 3 pounder in the picture a smaller one close to a pound in a half and got on fat pickerel close to 4 pounds.
Posted 12 years ago
me and a couple of buddies set out to do some ice fishing out in sandwich from 6 am to 6 pm it was a good all day fishing adventurer. we set out traps for trout and salmon while we were waiting for the traps we past the time by jigging up some perch. we caught maybe 2 trout before the next flag went off when we got there the line was screaming off the spool. my buddy reach down pulled the trap out of the water and set the hook it looked just like a little bigger trout but then it turned and ran. then my buddy called out its a big fish the other guys ran over and the battle was on it must have been close to a 5 minute battle between my buddy and the the fish the whole time we were all staring down the hole looking to see color he finally gets him close all we see is a dark back silver and black spots! Salmon!! he gets his up and its a 10 pound fat female! then my other buddies tip up goes off he runs over and hes on a big fish to another salmon but his ended up breaking off right at the hole. but maybe about half hour later a tip up goes off and we get over there not spinning or anything but there was some line that had been pulled out there as my buddy was pulling the line in there was weight another salmon! we were all shocked because we had that trap set down 27 feet when the depth was 30. but the traps went quit for a while and out of no were my buddy was jigging out in 40 feet of water and he hooked up with another big fish he was fighting the fish for an easy 10 minutes on 4 pound test finally got the upper had and pulled a beautifully 7 pound salmon through the hole that was the last of the salmon action but had a lot of fun pulling perch after perch through the ice!!
Posted 12 years ago
went out fishing with my buddy who has never caught a trout before for. i had a little free time so we set to this small pond on cape. the wind was blowing in are face at the normal spot we go to so we ended up hiking across the pond to the other side were it was nice and flat. we had are rods in the water not ever ten minutes when i had nice bite it was a small brown trout. we fished for another hour with out another bite we stitched to a different color power bait and boom we got two nice rainbows back to back. my buddy ended up catching the bigger one after i set everything up for him of course thats how it happens, it was a good time those were the last to bites before the sun went down and everything got quiet. but sadly no pictures though.
Posted 12 years ago
went out fishing with my buddy who has never caught a trout before for. i had a little free time so we set to this small pond on cape. the wind was blowing in are face at the normal spot we go to so we ended up hiking across the pond to the other side were it was nice and flat. we had are rods in the water not ever ten minutes when i had nice bite it was a small brown trout. we fished for another hour with out another bite we stitched to a different color power bait and boom we got two nice rainbows back to back. my buddy ended up catching the bigger one after i set everything up for him of course thats how it happens, it was a good time those were the last to bites before the sun went down and everything got quiet. but sadly no pictures though.
Posted 12 years ago
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