One last trip before another surgery on my left ankle. It has taken a beating over the years. My left ankle has been broken, my left calf has been shot....Time to call it quits I think. So, we went out fishing yesterday morning in a place in Plymouth that is known to Mike Carney quite well. First fish was on in teh darkness at about 0530 am. 4 lbs., 14 bigest smallie ever. On a GY Fat baby Craw, blue with black flakes. They are biting now. Caught 3 more, but all smaller than this one.
Posted 13 years ago
I did not go fishing, well I kinda did, but just for lures at a deal that cannot be matched. I friend introduced me to this guy a year ago and he just got a load of more gear in. I just bought 18 lures, and an All Star Select, MH 6.6 baitcasting rod for $100.00 . Check out the pic, and if you are interested, you might want to meet up with him prior to this coming Saturday. He is having a huge fishing yard sale then and most everything will go I am sure. First come first serve people. I got what I 'needed'. :) he has gear bags, rods, reels, Rapalas, Spro, Lucky Craft, Heddon, etc. he bought a bunch of gear off a pro angler who retired. selling everything at least at 50% off! Check out the pic and u decide. I thought I'd be nice and share. His name is Rick, from Stoughton, reach him at 508-685-5969. Good luck!
Posted 13 years ago
A trip to Plymouth. Tried Great South first and got skunked. Nothing, not even a bite. We then went to Billington Sea pond and my first fish of the day and season was a largemouth, 4 lbs 7 oz. , on a Rapala, perch type. Caught 2 pickerel after that, and my buddy caught 3 small LM bass and 1 pickerel. First time there also. Not a bad place.
Posted 13 years ago
while down here doing some teaching, we were driving down a road when this guy came running across it. I had to catch it...........i yelled stop, then jumped out, between a barbed wire fence and caught it by hand...........still has a small branch in it's kool.......better than any smallie I ever caught!
more pics next week from a fishing trip to Coiba planned for Thursday.........enjoy the cold people.
Posted 14 years ago
A return trip (by myself) to one of my favorite places..tough to get into unless u know how. Caught 14 largemouth bass into the boat, 2 pickerel; and one sunfish. The most unusual thing....check out one pick of a bass I caught. It was only about 12 inches, but look at either the bite marks or talon marks on it's belly. Pretty fresh marks I'd say also. Maybe an Osprey failed, or a huge pickerel? Baits used are also pictured.
Posted 15 years ago
A trip by myself to the Cape and a sleepover at my in laws house. This place was great. A total of 8 smallies and 1 largemouth bass. I used two rods and 12-14 lb test, with of course, my favorite smallie baits, Gary Yamomoto fat baby crawfish, 4", black with blue specks...see pics of the 2 that went home with me...I don't normally keep them, but I had to bring some fish home for the in-laws..( and the fish were great!) One big one took my line under the boar and to the other side, then spun me around 90 degrees before I lost it. I wish I could have just seen it. Oh well. Cartop only.
Posted 15 years ago
This place looked great on the map, with satellite view, and feedback from other members, so I had to try it. There are soe monster bass in there.....but hard to get out of the weeds if you don't paddle over them or scare them first. My largest out of only two fish in the boat was 3 lbs 5 oz., largemouth. I caught one on a purple paddle senko and the other on a GY 4" twin tail grub, watermelon color, with a split shot to bring it down quickly between the weeds. Funniest thing, when Mary and I were leaving, all these guys started showing up in their cars, by themselves. No fishing rods, no girlfriends or wives with them.......then the disco music, (yes disco), started getting cranked up and it became all too obvious at that point what was going on. We were leaving anyways....:)
Posted 15 years ago
Return to Mike Carney's Smallmouth Pond. It started off a lousy, rainy day, but I had to go back. Even after an 80 hour work week, yardwork and so on....I had to try again. I caught 4 total, with teh largest being 3 lbs, 4 oz. Same bait as last time..GY Fat Baby Craws..mostly between 8-15 feet.
Posted 15 years ago
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