Fished down at the harbor today, alot of bunker, but no stripers, went to take a piss, and one of the full time crackhead part time peddlar, decided he wanted my ABU GARCIA VENDETA 7 FT ONE PIECE... if any one tries to sell it to you buy it and I will give you double what you pay.
mother f***er.... i know who took it too thats the worst part. would be easier if i didnt know.... Now I can
t let it go..
Posted 13 years ago
No fish lots of bait, and The crackheads are in full force....
Had My Abu Garcia Vendeta 7 ft one piece stollen today while taking a piss.. sad thing is I was fishing around agroup of guys that somewhat know me and have fished with me many times..... the thing is ... I know who stole it... hopefully the guys that know me will do the right thing
Posted 13 years ago
made a big move out to the n west to go try somwhere new. Had alot of action. Prety imediate. 30 seconds after dropping my first minnow I had a large mouth. ended up with 6 my self erin was good for 3 bass and a pickerell, cousin nicky had a couple bass as well as Chester. but pete Mingero comes through with the biggest About 3 lbs of large mouth lovin.
Posted 15 years ago
frist time out for the big boys this year, second time out period for the year. I was dissapointed with my performance.. got work out the kinks... but cousin nicky boy came through wioth the long lost twin to my biggest fish caught out of the same place. 36 " 12 1/2 pounds cant tell ya the location cause i would have to kill you and then I would have no one to share my posts with.... kabeesh? not that the walk out of this place wouldn't kill you... If you follow my trips you could prob figure it out...
Posted 15 years ago
First time out for the big boys this year... i did didly s***.... 5 chew and screws..... got get the wrinkles out.. too long a walk to catch no fish and have problems..BUT.....cousin Nicky came through catching the Long lost twin of the fish I got last year... 36 12 1/2 pounds they also had a couple of 30's before I got there.
Posted 15 years ago
With 271 Total Points
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Total Trips: 33
Total Photos: 148
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Total Message Board Posts: 53
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Total Overall Points: 271