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"Get Hooked on Mississippi"

Muskie Adventure Tours Salmon River Comments

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User: muskiebigfish
Comment: First Trip was a success, details and pics to soon follow, this weekend for the 2nd Crew, the bite will be on!!!! Get Ready!
Date: 09/30/13 11:02 AM

User: shawneramone
Comment: Go get em boys!
Date: 09/27/13 05:54 AM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: and so, the Adventure Begins!!!!! ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ
Date: 09/27/13 04:39 AM

User: azmlii
Comment: May the spirit of Jeremy Wade be with you!
Date: 09/25/13 02:05 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: I'm hoping for him, but my money is on ME!!!!! and then the King will always be hard to over throw Wooooooooo Thanks for the luck
Date: 09/25/13 12:08 PM

User: fishngolf
Comment: Have a great and fun trip Guys...my money is on BadLarry to cover the Salmon over bet of 10 keeper fish...with him taking the Salmon Lunker side action as well.
Miss Wachusett owes him some love.
If you guys are keeping any fish, a few Salmon steaks would be appreciated.
Safe travels and ripping drags to all.

Date: 09/25/13 10:27 AM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: The Salmon are READY. Gonna be a great weekend!! Last night of good sleep Wooooo
Date: 09/25/13 06:37 AM

User: dr
Comment: This is going to be a long week! can't wait
Date: 09/23/13 12:25 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Friday Baby and then the Next Friday Baby Woooooo Just like the movies
Date: 09/23/13 11:55 AM

User: badlarry
Comment: Just picked up a rainsuit just incase mother nature decides to take a steaming dump on us.Hope weather holds up but prepare for anything getting close!
Date: 09/21/13 06:37 PM

User: azmlii
Comment: I picked up a 8' Ugly Stik Bigwater Spinning Combo today. I should be ready to cast some 3oz weights and bait.
Date: 09/21/13 05:49 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: 10 days!!!!!
Date: 09/17/13 09:56 AM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Deaffisherman got 20 salmon yesterday!!!!!!! Get Ready!!!
Date: 09/16/13 10:48 AM

User: aem1031
Comment: Oh Yeah!!!!! 15 Days!!!!!
Date: 09/12/13 10:34 AM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Salmon Fever. Anyone else have it?
Date: 09/12/13 09:23 AM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Your not RRREEEAAADDDYYY!!!
Date: 09/11/13 09:52 AM

User: dr
Comment: I can't wait!!
Date: 09/11/13 09:51 AM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: Caught 21 salmons off the pier so far along with three kings at few moment ago. no pictures. too dark.

I repeat, they are already in the river!! prepare for full crazy run when you are get here!
Date: 09/10/13 08:11 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: The King has Spoken!!!
Date: 09/10/13 01:12 PM

User: muskiesbrother
Comment: Fella's,
You guys gotta slow down...YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!(I am pushing down very hard on the keyboard for emphasis!) I can't wait either. The sheer beauty of the environment, from the sandy shore all the way up to the Hatchery, is worth the trip (to me), nevermind the fish. I've said it before that the hatchery was the deal sealer for me; seeing those fish in the river, going up the ladder, and in the tanks, knowing that that was what we were fishing for! Oh my goodness! I had only seen fish like that on television and in magazines, and here they were! I told my brother that even if I was guaranteed to NOT catch a fish in our time there, I WOULD STILL GO! Hopefully Mother Nature smiles upon us, She owes us one! See you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: 09/10/13 01:08 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: 17 Days!!!!!!!
Date: 09/10/13 12:04 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: Im officially in like sin!!!my old lady signed my permission slip tonight!! Yeah baby salmon river get ready for brooksy
Date: 08/29/13 07:26 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: im going! atleast as long as my old lady says yes lol. i got the money and im starting to gear up and get ready already
Date: 08/27/13 10:23 PM

User: azmlii
Comment: Count me in! My wife signed my permission slip this evening.

Date: 08/27/13 07:52 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: It is second to none!!! Im writing up all the particulars for everyone!!! WOOOOOOOOO

we on the clock
Date: 08/27/13 12:05 PM

User: bassturds
Comment: damn sounds like a great time!!!!
deaffishermen wants me to go!!!

he says its so awesome
Date: 08/27/13 07:51 AM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: we leave friday morning home sunday afternooon!!!!
Date: 08/26/13 05:15 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: What day are we leaving need to put in for time off
Date: 08/26/13 04:39 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: We have a couple more playing!!!!!
Date: 08/26/13 12:45 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Date: 08/22/13 03:32 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: This is why MAFF is such a great site!!! I think the "Adventure" part says enough. Thank You to Everyone that has Fished with us and to the rest of you, your ALL on the List!!
Date: 08/20/13 08:35 PM

User: dr
Comment: Count me in!
Date: 08/20/13 11:59 AM

User: aem1031
Comment: Can't wait. Gonna be a blast!!!! Ninininininininini
Date: 08/20/13 07:42 AM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: 6 weeks boy's!!!! Oct 4th Friday morning we leave Worcester @ 6am ish hahahahaha Need to finalize ends and right quick hahahahaha We are also going the weekend before but that Trip is full. This is a trip that you will make every year for the rest of your life, this is 4 in a row for me and Chris, and we are doing it twice this year, soon it will be for the whole month hahhahahaha and yes it's worth it!!!!!
Date: 08/19/13 09:02 PM

User: bassturds
Comment: That's awesome!!! Sounds fun
Date: 07/25/13 07:23 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: 9 WEEKS BOY'S!!!!
Anyone else interested? We leave early Friday and come back Sunday afternoon. Either last week Sept or first week Oct. Sept is more like the date. We fish from shore at the Mouth of the Slamon River, they have to swim by us to get in the river...
Date: 07/25/13 07:10 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Nice guys wish I could have made it!Next yr I will be there!
Date: 10/09/12 03:06 PM

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