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"Get Hooked on Mississippi"

how much do u think this weighed Comments

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User: pocketfisherman
Comment: Limited signal where I'm at right now, read it too fast I guess. You guys suck :-)
Date: 08/02/13 07:35 PM

User: basshunter62
Comment: thanks dave i,ll send the $$$ in the mail
Date: 08/02/13 06:46 PM

User: dmatt
Comment: I don,t want to short change ,,,let call it 6lb. lol
Date: 08/02/13 06:29 PM

User: dmatt
Comment: nice job , nice fish, I was there ,I took the pic well done 5.5 or better
Date: 08/02/13 06:23 PM

User: pdubya
Comment: Wo cares about the "official" weight, unless it was close to your personal best, that is a damn fine fish. Well done and grats!
Date: 08/02/13 06:11 PM

User: fishermanmike
Comment: hard to say. i'd say around 5 even.
Date: 08/02/13 02:21 PM

User: shawneramone
Comment: Sam, I have no doubt you read it. You probably memorized it and put it in alphabetical order too
Date: 08/02/13 07:11 AM

User: samf
Comment: i read it all!!
Date: 08/02/13 07:07 AM

User: shawneramone
Comment: Glad to see you read everything first Rog. Thanks for stopping by
Date: 08/02/13 06:20 AM

User: basshunter62
Comment: yep. tnks guys. I think the HHH weather got to it. Its prob time to invest in a new one. I got 4 yrs out of that
Date: 08/01/13 11:12 PM

User: kman
Comment: there is a strain gauge/ load cell that sometimes can get jammed up and give a weight reading. If it does it again I would replace it.
Date: 08/01/13 10:57 PM

User: basshunter62
Comment: when I turned on the scale it didnt zero. it read 7lb 7 oz so i. turned it off & on again still read 7.7 LBS. The fish was never on the scale. after releasing the fish the scale seemed to work fine.
Date: 08/01/13 10:52 PM

User: kman
Comment: he said it was reading 7.7 without anything on it
Date: 08/01/13 10:46 PM

User: pocketfisherman
Comment: What was or wasn't it doing to make you think there was a problem with it to begin with?
Date: 08/01/13 09:38 PM

User: pocketfisherman
Comment: Why do you say scale wasnt working? Obviously hard to say, but at least 5 for my guess.
Date: 08/01/13 09:35 PM

User: tunasty13
Comment: Easy mid to high 5 range. Nice fish
Date: 08/01/13 08:32 PM

User: johnyak
Comment: She's a beauty!!!
I'd say 3.90lbs.
Date: 08/01/13 07:04 PM

User: samf
Comment: either way, that's a nice fish jimmy
Date: 08/01/13 05:39 PM

User: basshunter62
Comment: no i diden,t but its a lot longer then i am wide and i,m no small guy. but its just what you think. i,m not going to try to talk it up thanx for your input
Date: 08/01/13 04:49 PM

User: samf
Comment: where's the pic jimmy. let's see the slob.
Date: 08/01/13 04:11 PM

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