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"Get Hooked on Mississippi"

Best Bet for a $hity trip: Lake Cochituatue ' Comments

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User: live4fish
Comment: fishngolf: If you want to catch a pick bigger than 30", simply come with me to one of your old favorite haunts...

Saturday afternoon I put Deaffisherman (Mark) on one, and then I said, "Whatch... My laziness will cost me a 30 incher." I didn't put on a leader, casted my frog, hooked up, and lost em.
Date: 09/03/14 09:59 PM

User: live4fish
Comment: Thanks for all the info guys... I thought I'd try it. I hit another pike 'Best Bet' after learning of numerous confirmed catches in the last year. Took a skunking. I'm rethinking this unicorn hunt big time. I could drive to Canada, catch a dozen in an hour or two, and get home faster I bet.

Yes, there are a FEW trophy bass and Picks in there. They're fed loads of trout.
Date: 09/03/14 12:30 PM

User: samf
Comment: The boat traffic, weed kill and constant boat traffic sucks. You need to have realistic expectations going to the place. If you want to catch a bunch of smaller bass and some other species then it's good since it's so easy to access. I would personally rather fish 100 other places first.
Date: 09/01/14 04:39 PM

User: flymaster1
Comment: Strange that there are so may bad comments about cotich. If you look at most of the bass clubs in the state almost all of them fish cotich. It is one of the heaviest fished lakes in the state. I personal saw a six pound bass weighted in there
the fish are there just hard to find. But if you are there to fish for any species it is the best lake in the state for that. Just my opinion
Date: 08/31/14 08:00 AM

User: kenwood
Comment: Weird to hear so many negative comments about this lake on this forum. Though I sucked it hard at last weekend's tournament, I typically do really well there. Surprised so many dislike the place.
Date: 08/30/14 09:44 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: I haven't fished there in yrs. The only thing besides rainbow trout I've ever caught was a massive pick. Had to be 5 or 6lbs.Weird to see a pick so thick. This thing was eating well.
Date: 08/30/14 05:08 PM

User: 185photos
Comment: 2 weeks ago I caught 12 white perch in an hour on shiners, could not stop them from biting, however, 25% were riddled with tumors on thier stomachs.
Date: 08/30/14 12:04 PM

User: fishngolf
Comment: We had a monster pickerel (prob 28-30 inch) clean slice right through 40lb braid with one violent head shake at boat side last year at Cotich…biggest set of teeth Ive ever seen on a freshwater fish…should have had a wire leader on as we were trolling for pike
Date: 08/30/14 09:13 AM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: more likely pike or tiger. Pikerel will take awhile to saw it off the line. while pike or tiger will cut it instantly before you able to bend the rod.
Date: 08/29/14 06:38 PM

User: chuckh
Comment: Buddy I was with yesterday missed a big pike or Tiger Muskie on a swimbait. Go figure.
Date: 08/29/14 09:53 AM

User: thelucky
Comment: You probably would have been better off just going to Dudley.
Date: 08/29/14 09:20 AM

View Best Bet for a $hity trip: Lake Cochituatue ' Details
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